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Materi: Electronics Device Control With Clap Using the Sound Sensor on the NodeMCU ESP8266

Listing Materi Perkuliahan / Electronics Device Control With Clap Using the Sound Sensor on the NodeMCU ESP8266
Nama Dosen:Taryana Suryana., M.Kom
Nama Kelas:arduino
Nama Matakuliah:Pemrograman Arduino
Electronics Device Control With Clap Using the Sound Sensor on the NodeMCU ESP8266 
The sound sensor is a sensor that can convert the amount of sound into an electrical quantity where the value is obtained from the size of the sound wave hitting the membrane Sensor that causes the sensor membrane to vibrate which also has a small coil behind the membrane rising and falling. the electricity it produces, Sound Sensors can be applied for various purposes, including to turn on or turn off Electronic equipment by clapping or whistling.
Update : 19:37:53 14/08/2021