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Materi: Tugas-Pengembangan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Paket Wedding Organizer pada masa pandemic covid 19 berbasis web mobile

Listing Materi Perkuliahan / Tugas-Pengembangan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Paket Wedding Organizer pada masa pandemic covid 19 berbasis web mobile
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Tugas-Pengembangan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Paket Wedding Organizer pada masa pandemic covid 19 berbasis web mobile 
The purpose of this research is to design a rental system application that can connect customers with customers, especially parents who have unused children's toys for rent through this system. To support this research, the author conducted a literature study from previous studies that discussed rental, rental, toys, children's motoric, and parents who need children's toy rental services due to the relatively expensive price of toys and a short period of use to build motor skills. child in childhood. The result of this study is the design of a toy rental system application for parents so that they can rent toys from each other through a rental system application for those who need toys for the short term or for other reasons such as trying to match toys for their children, and even parents who have toys that unused but too bad to sell or throw away. This is because parents need to pay attention to the motoric development of children only at an early age through various methods, one of which is by giving physical toys to their children. Parents who have unused toys but love to throw them away can rent them so that they can be used as additional income to meet family needs. The conclusion is that there is a need for an application system that can connect parents with the criteria of needing toys with a short period of time and parents who have unused toys. The problems above depend on the key PSBB policies implemented in various parts of Indonesia. The outbreak of COVID-19 presents challenges and opportunities to maintain the existence of MSMEs such as becoming a Wedding Organizer. Starting from current technological developments, wedding planners have moved from a framework to the internet, namely making web-based wedding planners. In this study, a comprehensive program method in the field of computers is the System Improvement Program (SDLC) 7 rounds. With Results By coordinating the Marriage Coordinator who was coordinated the author provided information about the policy.
Update : 07:51:50 19/08/2021