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Materi: Urgensi Pengenalan Senjata Tradisional Keris Untuk Anak Sekolah Dasar Melalui Media InternetListing Materi Perkuliahan / Urgensi Pengenalan Senjata Tradisional Keris Untuk Anak Sekolah Dasar Melalui Media Internet
Urgensi Pengenalan Senjata Tradisional Keris Untuk Anak Sekolah Dasar Melalui Media Internet Jurnal STRD VISI
Adityo B. Hardoyo, Imam Santosa, Irfansyah
Institut Teknologi Bandung
UNESCO had given recognition for Indonesian Keris as a “Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible
Heritage of Humanity”, in 2005. General-Director of UNESCO; Koichiro Matsura
had given the recognition certi!cate in Jakarta, to the vice president of Republic Indonesia,
Jusuf Kalla. "rough this recognition, Indonesia has a responsibility to preserve the heritage
recognition. Keris is estimated had exist in Nusantara for more than thousand years, it was
refers to the Borobudur Temple’s relief. "e relief told about; someone who wants to stab his
opponent using a dagger, which is expected as Keris. Keris has its own style in every region
in Indonesia, they have own characteristic that in#uenced by the local culture of the region.
"is academic journal is based on a thesis script which used historical method to collect
the literature data and others data.
Kata Kunci: Keris, Warangka, Hulu, Bilah Update : 02:14:15 22/12/2021 |